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All the phases and the details are listed in this screen and Edit option is used to edit the existing details and delete option is used to delete the existing record.




  • Phase Number - The phase number is a user-defined numeric field and may contain up to six digits plus two decimals. If the phase number entered already exists on the phase master file, then AccuBuild will prevent you from adding a duplicate phase number.


  • Phase Description - This field may contain up to 35 alpha/numeric characters.


  • Type of Phase - Select whether the new phase is a Job Cost phase (cost estimates and expenses may be posted to this type of phase), a Billing phase (billing amounts may be assigned to this type of phase) or Both (a job cost and billing phase).  

Associated G/L Expense Account


  • If the new phase has been designated as either 'Job Cost' or 'Both', then the phase may be linked to a general ledger account.  The account number link is optional, but if it is used, it will become the default expense account that will appear whenever expenses are charged to this particular phase on any job.


For example, if a payable invoice is charged to a job and phase, then the general ledger account number associated with the phase will automatically be displayed on the a/p invoice entry screen. The user may override this default account during the invoice entry.  Note:  If the phase is a labor category, then the Payroll module will dictate which general ledger account will be used as the expense account.  In addition, if a vendor has been set up with a default general ledger account, the vendor's default account will take precedence over the account number linked to the job cost phase.


  • To add a new phase to a list click on +Phase option.


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To change information on an existing phase, select the phase and then select Edit. All fields on the phase list screen with the exception of the phase number itself, may be changed at any time.Select Save to add the new phase to the master list.To delete an existing phase from the master list,select Delete.


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