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The Job Info Tab contains fields for the job name, sale tax district, Job description, Job status, Job Type job site address and contact information.  


  • Job Number - Job numbers are assigned by the user and may consist of alpha/numeric characters. Job numbers may also include a decimal or hyphen but may not exceed eight characters in length.  Jobs with invalid characters may cause exception errors .  


Invalid characters include: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = { } [ ] > / " ; < > , ? '


  • Job Description - Description of the job can be added using this job description field.


  • Job Status - Status of the job can be marked as In-progress or complete.


  • Job Type - Type of the job can be selected as Contract or other.


  • Sales Tax District - This field has been added to the job master list for future reporting purposes.


  • Contacts - Information for the Job SupervisorProject ManagerSalesmanAssistant 1, and Assistant 2 fields must be set up in the Clients master list before they can be added to this screen.  These fields can be used to secure access to specific jobs.  


For example, if user Joe and user Tom have been linked to job 04-1001 as the Project Manager and Assistant 1 respectively, but they have not been linked to any other jobs, then they will only have access to job 04-1001 in the PM module if it has been restricted in this fashion.  Please refer to the User Maintenance option with the System Administrator (File) module for more information.



  • Job Info can be updated using Edit Option as shown in the below screen.

